listing is for a COMPLETE stainless steel screw set for the Crosman
2240, 1322, 1377. Unlike other listings, Alliance Hobby offers every screw in
stainless. Most screws are Torx, with a couple Phillips, due to
Also, I know you may have a steel, aluminum or
plastic breech. All require different quantities of fasteners. Alliance Hobby
includes more than you'll need, so you'll always
be covered.
Kit Contains:
Front & Rear Grip Frame Screws: T15 Torx
Rear Breech Screw (Steel, Aluminum or Plastic): T15 Torx
Front Breech Screw: #1 Phillips
Grip Handles: T10 Torx
Trigger Cover: T8 Torx
Valve Retention Screw: #1 Phillips (not applicable on 13xx)
Barrel Band & SB Set Screw: 5/64" Hex Stainless Roll Pin for 13xx orders
(not applicable co2 series)
available is an economical, but fully functional precision tool kit, which
contains bits for every fastener on the model.
If you don't have access to Torx
(especially T8), you may consider adding this to your purchase.
