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Worldwide Sales of Crosman Parts & Upgrades

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Q: Who are you and why should I trust my money with you?

A: My name is Nick. I'm in my 30's 40's, own a small home, a small plane and have an on-site machine shop in NE Ohio. I have a 4 y/o 5 y/o 6 y/o 7 y/o 8 y/o 9 y/o 10 y/o 11 y/o 12 y/o daughter and, because I don't have enough going on, am a full-time economics undergrad, too.

My personal interests include overpriced cowboy boots, lifting, being catfished off Hinge and airplanes.

Despite the planes, I'm a complete homebody and am typically tinkering around the property somewhere. Either with my daughter or I'm in my shop.

Fifteen years ago, there weren't many people selling Crosman parts. Definitely not on exclusive, full-time websites.

There were a couple independent sellers and machinists, but eBay and Amazon were new, lawless and almost completely unpenetrated at the time. The guys that had their own dot coms were typically mail-only and sometimes even cash-only affairs.

Most of the current independents, especially the one known for his rudeness, penchant for blaming everyone but himself and inability to spell his business name correctly, copied my listings, photographs and descriptions. Sometimes verbatim.

To this day, my stolen images are in use across the Internet. You know all those Amazon listings of products exactly like what I sell? Almost all of them are my photos, my efforts. Watermark and trademark your intellectual property, people.

Anyhow, it all started with my 12g Powerlet to Paintball Tank adapters, aka Powerlet Eliminators. I wanted one for myself, so set out to make one. That was the very first product I ever listed and it just snowballed from there.

With the exception of about a year where I had one employee, this is a one-man show. I write the web pages, I make the products, I process the orders, pack them and ship them. It's all me.

The copilot, surveying her
takeoff options back in 2016.