I have offered, for a few years now, what I call
the Big Boy Kit. That kit is designed to upgrade your Crosman pumper to a
longer barrel, and includes extras like a fancier roll pin replacement and
front sight.
It can be found
That kit is expensive. Not everyone wants the extras.
Some people just want their longer barrel and
the 2289 barrel band. They don’t mind reusing the OEM roll pin and they don’t
want, or need, a front sight. If that’s you, then you want this kit. The
Little Boy.

You can swap calibers with this kit, though
you’ll need a matching bolt, optionally available.
The OEM length on a Crosman pumper is 10”. Here,
you can have any length up to 26”.
18”, 24” and 26” are standard on .177.
14”, 18”, 24” and 26” are standard on .22.
Any other length will be cut and recrowned.
Note: You may have a set screw dimple on the
barrel I send you. This is because the longer barrels we use here are for
other models. You must be okay with said small dimple. 18” and longer in .177
will have a 1” flat spot that Crosman uses as a band fastening spot. Email me
if you need pics. Related Kits