These are solid brass muzzle brakes, milled from scratch. They do not
deaden the sound or alter the velocity; they are cosmetic only.
fit the standard 7/16" OD Crosman barrels and are held in place with a
set screw. They will fit the 2240, 2250, 2300 line, 2400 line and
the 2260. They will fit 1322/1377 that are modded with longer barrels.
These are now available threaded, if
A front sight post (similar to
this) can be added if you're not using a
There are more photos of more ideas at
Alliance Hobby Aluminum Brakes.
Related Kits

two Ringed, one Fluted going to a customer
Fluted Brass Brake

Fluted Brass Brake

Ringed Brass Brake

customer-requested brass band, plain brass brake

customer-requested brass band, plain brass brake

A threaded barrel with a fluted / vented
brass brake.