This is a true two stage trigger system for
the Crosman 2240, 2250, 2300S, 2300T, 2300KT, 2400KT, 1377, P1377, 1322,
P1322, 2289 and others.
- Technically compatible with 2260 and
362, but you can't use the original stock that comes with the gun.
This is actually the Marauder Pistol Trigger Kit
modified for compatibility with the models listed above.
- The kit works on CO2 and pumper guns.
- The kit works with "normal" and
"hidden screw" steel breeches.
- You MUST select the correct kit as the
hammer (striker) is different for each.
- The pull test video below shows a pull
of 0.50 lbs.
Here are the guidelines you need to follow:
- Pumpers will always take a "normal"
pumper hammer. If you have a "hidden screw" pumper, that's a mod you
specifically performed yourself and you're aware of the situation.
- The exception to this is the 362
100-Year Heritage Edition which, for the first time that I know of,
uses a Hidden Screw Breech on a Pumper gun.
- Guns can ALWAYS take a "Hidden Screw"
hammer, but it costs $5 more. This is your safest bet, but it's often
not necessary to spend the $5.
- It does allow for more future upgrades
though (you may, in the future want to upgrade to a Hidden Screw
- The guns that REQUIRE "Hidden Screw"
hammers because they have "Hidden Screw" breeches are the 2300 series,
2400 series, 2240XL and a few others.
- The guns that TYPICALLY have "normal"
breeches are the 2240, 2250, 2260.
- Refer to the photos below to see how
you can check which you have.
The trigger is fully adjustable:
- The trigger stop screw is the visible
set screw under the trigger. It prevents overtravel.
- There are two tiny set screws up and
inside the 1/4" hole under the trigger (behind the guard).
- Those adjust preload, how the trigger
rests against the sear.
- Then that brass knob controls the
spring pressure to release the sear.
You will receive one trigger frame, as
pictured, plus one applicable striker.
Install Directions:
Related Kit

Install Video | Pull Test Demonstration

These photos show the "hidden screw" breech.
If you have one of these, you need and will receive, a notched hammer.

Custom-milled Notched Striker for
hidden screw breeches. |
Tom H - Canada - October 1 2024
Cherry grips, Two Stage Trigger, Power Adjuster + Brass Knob
David C - Virginia - June 13 2024
Just wanted to say, that the parts you supplied me [two
stage trigger, shoe,
threaded hammer,
Power Pack Plus] for the
Crosman 2240, were installed without difficulty, and really improved the
functionality of this little gem. The 2 stage trigger was the big ticket
item, and man did it deliver, can't thank you enough. By chance, do you
offer any upgrade for the common hardware regarding the 2240? If you do, I'd
like to get some from you. The rear screw is fine the way it is, but it
could be better.
Well, keep up the awesome work/craftsmanship! I'll ordering again soon.
David R - Pennsylvania - November 19 2023
Alex T - Italy - June 16 2023
Thomas S - Florida - July 1 2023