I have a full line of premium and budget rear sights for the
Crosman Steel Breeches. They will also fit the aluminum and brass breeches,
if you can still find them. Anything with so-called .22 rimfire dovetails.
But, they are marketed on my site primarily for the Steel Breeches.
I have the Williams Notched and Peep. And the Low Diopter.
And a new Compact Peep. Then, of course, the venerable LPA MIM. Then my
Milled Rear Sight and finally some China Budget thing I found years ago.
Depending on installation, you may have bolt handle
interference issues. I sell a longer solid brass handle to alleviate this
issue. A common issue with third party sights is that they
sit too high, requiring a taller front sight post. I offer solutions for
this as well.

Williams Notched, Olympic Peep, Low Diopter,
Compact Peep, LPA MIM, Milled Rear, China Budget
Williams Notched

Olympic Peep

Williams Low Diopter

Williams Compact Peep


Milled Rear Sight

China Budget
