Hobby Conventional Airgun Oil |
- 1 fluid ounce of genuine Alliance
Hobby Airgun Oil.
- One bottle will last a lifetime.
- Four times the amount of the
ubiquitous Crosman Pellgunoil that I also sell, for less.
- Safe and recommended for all Crosman
CO2 and 10-pump guns (2240 2250 2260 1322 1377 2289 and countless
- Safe for other mfg's CO2
and pumper guns.
- Great for the tip of your Powerlet
(one drop will do ya), o-rings, wear points, etc.
- Trial tested for years.
- Easy to use dropper maintains the
small amounts that your airguns needs. Remember, too much oil is worse
than no oil at all.
- NOT for use in springers, nitro,
pistons, pcp, hpa and other guns.